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Affiliated with

American Institute of Chemical Engineers


The North American Mixing Forum Award for Excellence and Sustained Contributions to Mixing Research and Practice is given annually to a NAMF member who is a resident of North America. The award, which consists of a cash prize and a plaque, is sponsored by the Dow Chemical Company and is presented at the NAMF Awards Banquet at the AIChE Annual Meeting.

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NAMF Student Award
The NAMF Student Award was established to encourage, recognize and reward students for quality research in the area of mixing. Any graduate or undergraduate student doing research in the field of Fluid Mixing at an accredited University in North America is eligible.

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NAMF Startup Grant in Mixing
To encourage new faculty to begin research careers in areas that will impact the general field of fluid mixing technology. Any untenured but tenure-track faculty member at a Ph.D. granting institution in North America is eligible. Information about the 6th NAMF Startup Grant 

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