The North American Mixing Forum (NAMF) of AIChE seeks nominations for the NAMF Early Career Excellence Award for work in the field of mixing. This award is to acknowledge independent research on the fundamentals or applications of fluid and multiphase mixing and/or significant contributions to the greater mixing community by a tenure-track faculty. No prior association with NAMF is necessary and nominees from all disciplines will be considered. Any tenure-track faculty (or equivalent position) at a PhD-granting institution in North America is eligible for this award.
The recipient will give an invited talk at the AIChE Annual Meeting in November, receive a plaque and a nominal monetary gift, and be invited to attend the NAMF Awards Banquet on Wednesday night.
Nominations are due by August 1, 2016. The nomination should include a statement of the nominee’s accomplishments, a 1-2 sentence description of the candidate’s contribution and/or potential, the nominee’s curriculum vitae, and a 1-2 page description of the candidate’s independent research directions (which can include non-mixing activities. Nominations from Chairs and faculty colleagues are preferred, but candidates may also self-nominate.
The nomination/application letter should specifically identify at least one peer-reviewed journal paper or conference presentation authored by the nominee in an area directly related to mixing. This publication should be based on work published since the start date of his/her first tenure track appointment. Preference will be given to nominations which show clear evidence of an ongoing component of mixing research in the candidate’s own research program. One independently published paper should be attached to the nomination.
Nominations are to be sent to Professor James Gilchrist ( The awardee will be selected and contacted by August 20th, 2016.